Insights | Amitech Solutions

Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Written by Amitech Solutions | February 19, 2019

Knowledge is a precious resource for all business owners. Yet, it’s just a resource. Like any other resource (oil, a detailed book, an app), merely possessing a vast array of knowledge won’t help an organization achieve better results. In other words, knowledge without context and a deeper understanding isn’t particularly beneficial to modern businesses and, in our case, healthcare facilities and medical clinics. To segue to our topic of the day, Data Warehousing (DW) is the process of collecting and organizing vast amounts of statistics related to a facility, its patients, history, and industry at large. Business Intelligence, (BI) conversely, is the application of that data to achieve a specific goal. Because DW and BI are so closely linked, the two have become synonymous over the years. And as one evolves, the other changes in kind. But what is the current state of business intelligence & data warehousing, and how can healthcare professionals use them to their advantage?

Modern Data Warehousing

In the medical field, things change all the time. Yes, nationwide trends are constantly influencing the way hospitals and other facilities take in and store information, but at the micro-level, each new patient visit will change (however slightly) much larger subsets of data. As such, medical facilities need to partner with an analytics firm that is capable of constantly updating, managing, and governing the collection of new data. As is the case with any operation, the more up-to-date the information is, the better it can be applied in practice. Lastly, because modern data warehouses have become so vast, professionals need to be able to navigate through them and perform ETL functions quickly and efficiently.

Business Intelligence for the Medical Field

DW best practices dictate the accumulation of a wide range of data. On the other hand, BI queries should be as specific as possible. Ideally, administrators and medical professionals should look to answer a detailed question with BI techniques. The more general the query, the more difficult it will be to develop a meaningful solution. There are a number of ways hospitals can make smart decisions with BI and DW, but to be brief, it’s best to:

  • Utilize salient data

  • Eliminate unneeded or unrelated data sets

  • Focus on patient experience

  • Adhere to industry standards (like HIPAA data-storage stipulations!)

Though implementing BI and DW together may seem like an extremely complicated process, the reality is that experienced professionals can design DW and BI models that produce results in a timely manner. And organizations that prioritize this aspect of their operation will discover meaningful benefits for their patients.

The Bottom Line

At Amitech Solutions, our goal is a simple one: to compile and analyze data to help doctors, nurses, and medical professionals provide better, more efficient treatment options for their patients. We understand the unique challenges that medical facilities and clinics face, and we know how to apply BI to introduce solutions tailored to the medical industry. From improved patient experience to increased internal speed, Amitech Solutions can help your operation run more efficiently. Contact us here for more information!